The inagural meeting of the Nothern Nevada Native Plant Society (NNNPS) was held on April 17th 1975. Margaret Williams and her husband, Loring, were the backbone of NNNPS for its first 20 years. Margaret’s enthusiasm for native plants was infectious. Under her the Society grew rapidly, attracting botanists and amateurs alike. NNNPS members expolred Nevada on official field trips and personal forays, collecting plant specimens as they went. These collections significantly advanced the knowledge of the Flora of Nevada and some of our members were honored by having plants named for them.
Our logo features Mentzelia laevicaulis (smoothstem blazingstar). The logo and lettering were done by Lillian Imperia and it has been on every newsletter since February 1976.
In 2002, the name of the Society changed to the Nevada Native Plant Society (NNPS) and meetings began in southern Nevada as well as Reno.
Invitation to the inagural meeting in April 1975