Field Trip Policy
Nevada Native Plant Society (NNPS) field trips occur throughout spring, summer, and early fall to local and regional areas of botanical interest. Trips are on Saturdays unless otherwise noted, with occasional overnight or weekday events, and are at participants' sole risk (see policy below). Themes include plant identification, photography, wildflower displays, ecology, rare and endangered species conservation, and weed control.
PARTICIPATION IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. All NNPS activities are open to the public at no charge. Friends, newcomers, and visitors are welcome. Children and friendly dogs are also welcome, of course, but must be supervised by an adult.
Field trips take place in all kinds of weather, so appropriate clothing and footwear are always a must! Trips may be strenuous and/or hazardous. They may involve walking over uneven terrain, crossing streams, bending, stooping, climbing hills or steep slopes, walking long distances, and other strenuous activities. Participants may encounter rattlesnakes or other interesting creatures that could be dangerous if proper precautions are not taken.
No digging of plants will be allowed.
Plan to bring your own drinking water, and food or snacks as appropriate. Smoking is only allowed during rest stops, and during extreme fire danger will be prohibited outside of vehicles.
If you are under a physician's care for a medical condition that would limit or restrict participation in field trip activities, you should not attend. Please contact trip leader(s) for information about difficulty, mileage, and terrain.
Usually the roads we will travel are suitable for an ordinary car, however, occasionally off-road vehicles will be required. Read trip announcements for any requirements.
You will be asked to sign-in at the beginning of each field trip, and to sign a Waiver & Release of Liability, acknowledging your awareness of the potential risks and your willingness to join the trip in a purely voluntary manner.