We have the opportunity to visit the dryland garden of John Weiser. The garden will be available for viewing from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. The fence at the garden gate has a sign that reads 'High Desert Haven'. Plan on street parking only.
This garden was first started twenty four years ago and features many dry land plants from around the world. You will see Yucca, Cacti, and Agave forming the backbone of the planting, filled in with an assortment of native and exotic herbaceous perennials. Note worthy are the collections of Eriogonum and Penstemons both great Western North American genera.
Copy and paste this link for a preview of the garden. https://www.flickr.com/photos/sierrarainshadow/albums/72157608573082260/
If you wish to visit John’s garden email emhwynn@gmail.com for the address.