Volunteer with NNPS!

Nevada Native Plant Society (NNPS) is an all-volunteer organization. Volunteering is a great way to learn, make new friends, and share your time and talents with others who are interested in promoting the appreciation, preservation, and protection of our native plants and their habitats. 

Volunteer opportunities include: 

  • Helping with outreach at local Northern Nevada events: events@nvnps.org

  • Leading, or helping with, field trips, including writing field trip reports.

  • Writing for our newsletter

  • Helping develop resources for our website

  • Giving a program

  • Joining a committee or being on the Board

  • Becoming a friend of the UNLV herbarium

  • Editing program recordings and posting them to YouTube

We have a few open Board positions: 

  • Vice President

  • Archivist 

Currently most of our outreach and other activities take place in the Reno area, we are looking for people to help lead activities in other parts of the state. 

If you are interested in joining our team of volunteers or taking on a specific role please email us at president@nvnps or emhwynn@gmail.com

Note all volunteers must be members in good standing.




The Wesley E. Niles Herbarium Finds a New Home