2025 Calendar!
Our calendars are being printed! The 11 x 8.5" calendars will be printed on matte, heavy weight paper by Mixbook.
2025 is our 50th Anniversary and our special calendar features photos of plants found in Nevada and named for our members. Our logo flower, blazing star (Mentzelia laevicaulis) lights up the front cover.
The 2025 calendars cost $15. Calendars can be picked up at the November monthly meetings, in addition there will be pick up locations in Reno, and Henderson. We will also mail calendars; shipping will be $7 for 1 calendar and $9 for more than 1 calendar.
To preorder calendars email info@nvnps.org. No need to pay at this time, you will be contacted in late October to arrange payment and distribution. Note we sold out last year so if you want to make sure you get a calendar preorder one before the deadline of October 25th.
Front cover.
sample month
back cover