Nevada Native Plant Society

The Nevada Native Plant Society (NNPS), founded in 1975, is an educational organization whose purpose is to stimulate an interest in and an appreciation of native plants and their preservation.

The NNPS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, run entirely by volunteers and supported by dues and donations from our membership. We welcome anyone interested in learning about, conserving, growing, or simply appreciating the 2,800+ wild plant species of Nevada. Join us to explore and protect our region’s native flora!"

  • “It is my hope that this society will bring together people of all walks of life who share a common bond ... the love of native plants. Not all of us are interested in plants in the same way, or have the same training or experience, but we can learn from each other and hopefully pass our feelings for native plants on to others.”

    Margaret Williams, Founding President, NNPS

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